EduRBS Technology Pvt. Ltd. Educational Resources For Better Schooling. We help institutes to transform into a truly smart institute with 25 + modules. Welcome to EduRBS Technology Pvt. Ltd. We are the market leader in biometrically authenticated, time stamped security systems interlinked with School Management System [ERP], College Management System [ERP] and growing company in Ed.-Tech. industry
“Enterprise Resource Planning” is a solution to manage, plan all the functions of business. Educational ERP was released by team of former IBM engineer in 1992(google). Educational ERP used as an Educational ERP software to integrate the whole organization into a single system.
1.1 Objectives of Educational ERP-
1.1.1: The Educational ERP system simplifies the flow of data between different partners in an institute and makes it accessible.
1.1.2: Educational ERP system helps in minimizing man power and save precious time.
1.1.3: Educational ERP reduces paper work or manual work, and create an accurate, consistence environment.
1.1.4: Educational ERP increases productivity and reduces the cost.
1.2: Educational ERP :
Educational ERP is widely adoptable technology in education sector. The digital transformation of education has also highly affected the education industry. Educational School ERP is a concept that integrates all the academic, non- academic, services of the institutes.
1.2.1: Academic services such as – Registration, Admission, student’s records, examination, transport etc.
1.2.2: Non – Academic services such as – Expenses, Recruitment etc.
Managing a school/college is a very tough task and requires a large workforce. To manage all the task of school/college an Educational ERP is needed that is known as Educational School ERP or school management software. Here we can see importance of ERP in educational sector.
2.1: Management of data-
2.2.1: Management of data with accuracy and consistency is a very complex task for every institutions and management of data is a very important part of any institution.
2.2.2: Many institution have already accept this technology and they digitized their institution. An Educational ERP software can solve all these type of problem and makes it possible to share store data across all departments easily.
3. Types of ERP used in Education sector-
3.1: School Management System
3.2: College Management System
3.3: Hostel Management System
3.4: Transport Management System
4. Features of Educational ERP-
4.1: School ERP makes it easy for quick and correct maintenance of information/data
4.2: Easy in maintains the records of students and track their progress which helps in faster decisions.
4.3: Monitor regular operation held in institution which takes lots of time
4.5: The most significant feature that holds Education ERP, a supreme choice among the customers is their self-sufficient capacity to automate and integrate every industry-related activity.
5. National Education Policy – 2020-
5.1: This National Education Policy is the first education policy of the 21st century. Its main goal is to fulfill the essential requirements for the development of our country.
5.2: The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which was approved by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of India's new education system. The policy aims to transform India's education system by 2040
5.3: This new policy replaces the previous National Education Policy 1986 and this National Education Policy is released by Ministry of Human Resource Development.
6. Role of NEP in implementing the ERP in school-
6:1: The Policy calls for investment in digital infrastructure, development of online teaching platforms and tools, creation of virtual labs,
training teachers to become high-quality online content creators, designing and implementing online assessments, establishing standards for content, technology.
6.2: The policy has put the importance of studies at school level to ensure that every child/student learns something new and be familiar with new technology.
7.1.1: Through EduRBS Technology software (Educational ERP) one can access all the notice, information and updates for all the stakeholders for school.
Parents can access the notice, marks, can pay fee, can see exam dates and also get alert message about their child on their registered number as well as on app.
7.1.2: This will increase the communication and interaction between teacher, student and their parents.
7.2. Improved Collaboration –
7.2.1: The centralized database ERP is an integral part what makes EduRBS Technology ERP unique. With this centralized database, school will work with single and reliable source to work from.
7.2.2: Also, there is no need to merge information across the various systems or sources, as all the data is complied, stored and shared.
7.3. Connect Multiple Department –
7.3.1: As schools has different branches in different location and hence, they have lack of connection among themselves and they struggle while working.
This can affect the efficiency of operations, sharing information and overall growth of the organization.
7.3.2: But through EduRBS Technology ERP schools will be able to connect all the different department of their school present at different locations through one software or via. one platform.
7.4.1: Centralized data, an Educational ERP will store data in a more organized manner.
Starting with enquiry for admission to admission, class management, time table, fee management, accounts, transport and many more, the system will record the data, analyze the data and organize them in a more productive way, leaving no trace for errors
7.4.2: Also, in Educational School ERP one can give access to as many departments as want with restricted access and all the department can update the data of their department in real-time.
7.5: Prompt Decision Making and Better Analytics –
7.5.1: School management ERP can generate reports in bulk for administrative tasks such as enquiry for admission, admission, fee payment, profile of students and staffs etc. which will help in decision making.
7.5.2: As you can access all the data within seconds, this will help you in analyzing and taking decisions. Efficient and faster decision making will increase the productivity and popularity of the schools.
8. Benefits of EduRBS ERP to School / College
8.1. Management –
Educational ERP helps in increasing the accuracy and consistency of administrative task. It minimizes the paper work and create an automated environment.
It centralized reporting across the department and save money and time. As a result, it improves the productivity. It is used to preserve the digital records as an asset.
8.2. Teachers -
Teachers can make better use of Educational ERP software by managing attendance records, exam marks and can make focus on better teaching.
Teachers can also manage and check the student’s assignments and other activities. They can also make an efficient collaboration with students and parents.
8.3. Students -
Educational ERP software works like a virtual platform for students. Students can get all the information about school, classes, time table, and result. They can upload assignment online, check attendance records etc.
This software can also be used to access as digital library for students.
8.4. Parents-
Every parents has a concern about their children activities in school, their security in school, in school bus.
With the help of this Educational ERP software they can track records of their children, parents can be touch of the teachers, anytime anywhere on the internet. It plays a vital role in strengthen the relationship among them.
The benefits and impact of Educational ERP software has bought a revolutionary change in education sector. For getting higher performance and productivity this Educational ERP software is most desirable software in education industry.
Schools, colleges, and universities are changing their traditional methods of teaching with new trends in education technology.