Best School Technology in India
1: Introduction
Future is all about technology and we’re the living proof of growing Digital world, we are EduRBS Technology Pvt. Ltd.
EduRBS all know, this year pandemic has changed the learning landscape, many educational institutions were changing their way of educating students.
To continue educating the student, we have to use the new technology, such as including online student support services, virtual classrooms and lectures, digital institutes, digital management, other digital engagement channels and many more.
Changing technology and pandemic have forced every institution to upgrade their technology and build their institute into a truly smart institute.
In this new era of digital world, changing or updating the institutes into a smart institute or Hi-tech institutes is as important as sleep for human being. Changing technology have pushed many institutions into the growing world of digital transformation.
2: New Technologies in Education Sector

As Technology has become an important part of every once life, schools and colleges has starting taking interest and started focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math’s sector has already started developing curriculum on coding, Programming and Robotics.
E-learning is nothing but learning online through Internet. Cloud computing E-learning was in trend since the pandemic, with the help of cloud computing all the educational material or all the assignment work, exam question paper or answer sheet can be accessed from anywhere in real time.
Educators are using the advantage of Trending technologies to make learning more effective. E-learning is developing continuously and hence, more and more online courses are producing.
Cloud Computing based E-learning has eliminated the hassle of carrying tons of books by students. This technology also allows one – on – one live interaction between the mentor and the student.
Mobile application learning is also known as M-Learning new way to access learning material. Millennials are very well aware of the mobile applications and right usage of smart device.
With the help of mobile application students learns from anytime and from anywhere. Mobile Application learning is not for students to learn but also for employees to learn new technology and advancement.
Virtual Reality creates a computer-generated atmosphere, which can be experienced by a virtual reality headset or helmet whereas augmented reality enhances the real physical world by adding digital elements to a live view.
Learning with AR & VR has made learning more interactive with 3D world. It enhances the practical knowledge of the students and hence it makes learning easier.
AI is the core of the Education – IT industry also, AI is in trend now-a-days. AI is used for various purposes in Education – IT Technology. AI is used to generate activities for students for learning.
AI helps teachers in doing grading system of students. Face recognition technology used to take attendance by recognizing student face, this is nothing but AI. Also, it is used for monitoring students during the examination.
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Education sector has benefitted both the student as well as the Teacher.
Biometric identification technologies are developing very fast with the changing world and upcoming new technologies. Security within schools and colleges is a growing problem across globe.
Biometric Technology not only helps in mark attendance but also update parents in real time with the status of their children. Also, this device helps in restricting any unauthorized entries in schools and colleges.
3: Importance of Technology in education sector

As EduRBS all know Technology is everywhere and there are a Number of reasons why technology is an important aspect of learning in the Education sector. Students wants to learn with real examples Students like to engage with technology constantly outside of the classroom. students should be interactive, and learning through technology as they have to use these technologies in their future.
Technology helps students accomplish their aim of improving their performance.
Technology was the bridge which has connected the Teacher and Student in this Pandemic. Technology simplifies the access of educational material as well as their educator.
Technology has advanced the learning experience among students, it has become more interactive, creative and innovative. Student can learn from any place.
Technology is being used by the professional across the globe and today’s student will become tomorrow’s professionals, so the technology is not only helping students in learning but also it is preparing them for tomorrow’s world or their future.
Students are the Digital Native: Students know technology better than many youngsters. It makes easy to learn because it is such an important part of their life. Engaging with technology in the classroom has not only helped them learn effectively, but they also getting multi-tasking skills.
4 : Traditional School
The number of non-educational activities that children do in India has increased over the last few years. With rising incomes, the proliferation of places selling junk food, and the easy availability of non- academic activities, children are spending less time keeping themselves healthy.
Add to this the proliferation of mobile, TV and Computer and you know why children are no longer keen on heath.

The answer to this is physical education in India as it plays a very consequential role in keeping children fit and active with learning outcomes.
Also, Traditional school creates a discipline among students to complete home work on time, their writing, early bed and early to rise concept, interaction among students etc.
In Pandemic schools got closed and students started getting classes online with the help of technology at any time and from anywhere.
5: Digital School
Digital School that benefits the children of rural India as well as Urban India by given them access to learn from anytime and from anywhere. Also in digital school students get the advantage to access the educational material from anywhere and from any time.

6: Hybrid School
At the very same time, it equips teachers with a teacher tablet it’s a one-stop solution for lesson plans, audio-visual resources, and training resources. It empowers parents with a Parent App that gives them information on homework, attendance, marks and unit progress.

It will also allow students to have a single view of their Hybrid time-table, making it possible for them to attend live classes daily, attempt quizzes, and also ask doubts in real-time. It’s the easiest way to get and give information with education.
Hybrid Schools is combination of Traditional School and digital school.
The Hybrid School System makes it easier for institution to monitor student’s performance, gives an option to switch between modes (offline/online/both), the institution gets to decide the days on which students will attend online class or physical, add new subjects, and allocate teachers per classroom and many more.
Schools can also make use of the pre-set hybrid time-tables and operate institutes either on alternate days, half week basis or customize schedule for weekdays.
7: NEP

National Education Policy 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims to address the many growing developmental imperatives of our country.
It is based on the principle that education must develop not only cognitive capacities – both the ‘foundational capacities ’of literacy and numeracy and ‘higher-order’ cognitive capacities, such as critical thinking and problem solving but also social, ethical, and emotional capacities and disposition.
8: Role of NEP in Digitizing the School
Technology plays a very important role in advancement of education, and it not only makes school college as HI-TECH it also makes students and teachers bond strong with the help of collaboration and enables classmates and teachers to interact more with each other. Technologies help teachers to prepare their students to face the real world. It enables students to access up-to-date information in a quicker and easier way.
All the technology is developed by the IT Industry more especially Education IT Industry. They not only understand the tomorrow’s need they also provide a better experience for students and teachers.
9: Conclusion
New technology and opportunity allow students to learning more and give them the confidence to face the real world. With student’s teachers are also learning and making school a better place to learn.
EduRBS Technology is an Educational IT industry has created a system i.e., School Management System and College Management System for better Student – Teacher, Teacher – Parent and Teacher – Management relation. Also, Student security system of EduRBS keeps parent informed for their children. EduRBS technology supports the government initiative of Make in India.
Education with technology is fun, knowledgeable, innovative, Interactive, and many more. We EduRBS Technology Pvt. Ltd
If you want to collaborate and make your Student confident and an innovative learner then contact us 63900-73900 or write us at :